




Tüpraş and Bekaert–İzmit Steel Cord Co.Inc.has two important milestones of his career.He had started  in Bekaert during the establishment of the company and taken high level responsibility in establishing and managing technology and quality management processes. He contributed to the growth of the company by taking responsibility in defining strategy and policies, resource allocation, planning and meeting corporate targets as Technology and Quality Director. He had a key role in Total Quality Management practices related to the EFQM Model of Bekaert -İzmit Steel Cord Co.Inc. As he was the assessor and lead assessor in European Quality Awards ; together with the EFQM practices of different companies in Europe, technical and managerial meetings and visits he participated in  the factories of NV Bekaert,  that are located in Europe, US and Japan, he had the opportunity to monitor closely the establishment and management practices. In the last period of his career, he was the HR Manager in Şişecam–Trakya Flat Glass Factory where he took responsibility of preparation of HR processes and strategies aligned with the company targets.

EFQM (European Foundation fo Quality Management ) – European Quality Award Assessor – Lead Assessor
TUSİAD – KalDer National Quality Award Assessor
KalDer ( Turkish Society for Quality ) Executive Comitte Member and EFQM Model